Venue: University of Arts of Tirana
Time 9:30-12:30
Even though design is an old concept, originally deriving from the latin word ‘desegnare’ – to mark or designate, evolving into a term covering ‘to plan, to model, to form’, as a dedicated professional practice, it is no more than around 70-80 years old. Today it has such a vast range of meanings that some people would claim that it soon risks meaning nothing at all. But the evolution of design as a term and a professional domain makes a whole lot of sense, when looking at it in a context of the other developments taking place alongside it.
- Where design is heading, and how the role of being a professional design practitioner opens up for an almost endless range of challenges onto which, design methodology and design skills can be applied.
- Design as a methodology and as a way of thinking, and how those will interact with megatrends like disruptiveness, transformation, urbanisation and resilience.
- How designers can benefit from being more aware of the value they create, and of how to capture the most value from their ingenuity.
- How design may change, as designers no longer have the monopoly of applying it to new products, services and business models, and exactly what the hallmarks and unique propositions of trained, professional designers might be in the future.
Steinar Valade-Amland has held leading export, product and marketing management positions in the private sector – primarily in design based manufacturing companies, followed by positions as account director and CEO of a leading brand design agency – until 2000, where he took on the position of Managing Director of the Association of Danish Designers, held until 2012. Since then, he has acted as an independent consultant through his own set-up THREE POINT ZERO, where he has worked for companies in as diverse industries as pharmaceuticals, lifestyle products and tourism, as well as NGO’s and public sector organisations. His services focus on how to improve organisational performance and innovation capacity through stakeholder analysis and engagement strategies, through design thinking and methodologies and through the building and communication of a strong organisational culture. He is frequently appointed by the EU as an expert evaluator of research & innovation initiatives, supported by DG Research & Innovation and DG Connect. Moreover, he is an acknowledged expert in matters related to design and innovation processes and methodology, as a conference speaker and moderator, workshop facilitator and columnist. He has contributed to the recently published Bloomsbury Encyclopaedia of Design, and his first book, entitled “INNOLITERACY – from design thinking to tangible change” was published in Denmark in December 2015 – bringing design thinking down onto an operational and day-to-day level as an accessible tool for improvement and change.
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