FoRLED 2016
Second Western Balkans Forum on Regional and Local Economic Development
Vlore, Albania - 11-13 October, 2016
"To go far, go together".
The First Regional Economic and Regional Development Forum was organized by CRLDS and EAR-EAR in cooperation with Vlora Municipality, Vlora Region, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the University of Vlora, with the support of the Flemish Government. It was held in the hall of the Municipality of Vlora, in the presence of the mayor of Vlora, Mr. Dritan LELI.
The first forum for regional and local economic development took place after the Territorial Administrative Reform in Albania and its initial effects, as well as the start of the second phase of decentralization reform in Albania: the Reform of Territorial Regionalization in Albania. Our tour of City Meetings and Conferences, an integral part of the Forum, in four districts of the country: Regions: Tirana, Elbasan, Berat and Vlora, provided us with opportunities to experience and explore the best experiences and practices that show how economic development regional and local, can be considered as a tool to efficiently implement the new regional and local development agenda at local and regional level.
In this forum were active and active contributors: Olvi Merkaj, director of the cabinet of the chairman of the Vlora District Council, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vlora Mr. Arben Breshani, Agron Gjipalit, Secretary of the City Council, Pedagogues from Vlora University Independence, Regional Economic Development Agency staff Nr. 4, Vlora Youth Center, representatives from public administration, students and many civil society organizations.
Mrs. Hoxhaj opened the debate of the Forum with the announcement that the reorganization of the municipalities in the country from 400 to 63 created the possibility of a powerful regional economic development tool in Albania, which should be exploited.
The Mayor of Vlora, Dritan Leli, welcomed the AER-EAR in Vlora and emphasized the new task of enlarged municipalities, currently possessing the tools necessary to elaborate a realistic policy on regional development.
Mr. Neacsu presented in his opening remarks the goals of EAR, the efforts of the Flemish Government to assist the countries before competing, the link between ALDA and AER-AER and the role of CRLSD as a local AER-EER partner in Albania. Mrs. Oncioiu presented the possibilities that could be realized by the European regional development funds.
The other two presentations were made by Mrs. Anila Hitaj, representative of the Vlora Region Council and Mrs. Zamira Agalliu President and Legambiente Vlorë. Then continued with the meeting in the Vlora District Council, where he met with the Chairman Mr. Sadr Danaj and the District Council staff.
In the afternoon, "Forum for Regional Development" moved to the premises of the Vlora Youth Center with two lectures related to different aspects from the young Albanian speakers.
M. Louis Delcart later completed a lecture on Entrepreneurship that was highly praised by the new audience.
The forum was preceded by city conferences held in the cities of Tirana, Elbasan and Berat. The first joint conference in Albania of EAR-AER and CRLDS Albania
11 October 2016 Tirana
On the second day of the Fact Finding Mission in Albania of EAR-AER and CRLDs Albania, a conference was organized on the subject: "Is a European regional approach useful when it comes to economic development and employment?"
The conference was organized at the premises of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana (CCIT) by CRLDS with the financial support of the Flemish Government.
Present at this meeting were representatives of the District Council of Tirana, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana, the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania, the Qark and the Municipality of Tirana, the Association of Councils of the Regions of Albania, by CRLDS Albania, the University of Tirana (Faculty of Natural Sciences), the Territorial Planning Agency, etc.
In her opening remarks, Luiza Hoxhaj, president of CRLDS Albania, highlighted the objectives of the meeting and why this meeting is important, at a time when Albania has just started the second level decentralization reform, that of regionalization of the country . She also explained the reasons why we have chosen this format with such actors: public, private, academic and civil society.
In his greeting speech, CCIT president, Mr. Nikolin Jaka, insisted on the fact that thanks to a new law, the contributions of companies of Albanian chambers of commerce and industry became mandatory. This new regulation gave the CCIs a strong position. But this also forced them to provide adequate services to members of their companies. Advocacy, information and training services and networks. The role of the index in the regional and local community was recognized and essential and the CCI was committed to contributing to the regional approach promoted by the CRLDS and the European Academy of Regions. Given the direct impact of entrepreneurship on regional development, he sees the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, an organic part of this process.
AER-AER president Mr.Neacsu emphasized the role of catalyst EAR wants to play, help civil society and local authorities to contribute to the social and economic development of their region. AER-AER gives inspiration and methodology to apply for national and European support with these goals as a starting point.
Mrs. Ionica Oncioiu then gave an overview of the various funding programs offered by the European Commission in Albania during the pre-accession phase. She provided some examples of successful projects in other countries and on cross-border cooperation projects, enabling civil society partners in Albania to contribute to the social and economic development of their region.
Mr. Louis Delcart, the AER-AER head of the Department of Regional Development, gave an estimated lecture on the regional approach. Some topics became clear to participants, such as the principle of quadruple spiral in regional development, in which local authorities, universities and technical colleges, business community and civil society joined forces to contribute to addressing the economic and social difficulties of the region and find the right solution to it.
Mr. Neacsu concluded by thanking the organizers, AER-AER partner CRLDS and local in Albania, CCI Tirana for organizing the conference and expressed the wish to be able to launch the first joint project with EU funds soon.
Conference on the topic: "Is a European regional approach useful when it comes to economic development and employment?"
October 12, 2016
On the third day of the EAR-EAR fact-finding mission in Albania, board members came to Elbasan for a second mission conference on "Is the regional European approach useful when it comes to economic development and employment?"
The conference was organized by CRLDS Albania and the European Academy of Regions in cooperation with Elbasan University "Aleksandër Xhuvani".
The event was held at the multimodal center of the university "Aleksandër Xhuvani" of this city. On the conference presented Mrs. Luiza Hoxhaj, President of the Center for European Policy Studies for Regional and Local Development in Albania, Mr. Nelu Neacsu; who presented the goals of EAR-EAR and prof. Ionica Oncioiu, who presented the funding possibilities of the projects offered by the EU for Albania through various programs such as IPA, the Cross Border Program, Europe for Citizens, Horizon 2020, etc. Prof. Oncioiu insisted on the opportunities offered to Albania in the pre-accession phase as well as the strategy for submitting proposals under these programs. This is a moment that should be used by Albanian subjects.
At the attentive audience were present representatives from the University "Aleksandër Xhuvani", Elbasan, Faculty of Economics and Medical Faculty, District Council of Elbasan, Tax Administration in Albania and member of the Board of Directors of CRLDS, Agency the economic development of Elbasan, the multimodal Center of the University and the AER-AER team.
Feedbeku at the conference was given by Ms. Imelda Sejdeni, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, who stressed that the principles of a European approach to regional development are applicable in Albania and can contribute to a better development of the regional economy. She also stressed that the University of Elbasan was eager to collaborate on project applications with EAR Brussels, CRLDS Albania and other countries participating in academies such as Romania, Georgia, Italy, Croatia, Holland, France etc.
In the afternoon at Elbasan's Faculty of Economics, Aleksander Xhuvani, Mr. Louis Delcart gave a lecture on regional approach as a methodology to stimulate social and economic development in Europe. The audience was composed of staff of professors and professors at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Elbasan. The public praised the emergence of new aspects such as Credel to Credel and Cleantech as new opportunities in business development, the many opportunities in the internet application of things and the co-operation of the triple spiral in regional development.
The third conference in Albania of EAR-AER and CRLDS in Albania.
13/10/2016, Berat
The fourth day of the fact-finding mission in Albania brought the team of EAR-AER and CRLDS Albania to Berat. The team was hosted in the premises of the Berat District Prefect.
The public contained the staff of the Regional Council, the staff of the Municipality and the County Prefect, DAR, etc. among other things we can mention the Deputy Mayor of the city, Mr. Clirim Brisku, Deputy Mayor of Berat, Berat Deputy Mayor, Mrs. Teuta Mucogllava, Deputy Mayor of the District Council, Mr. Kastriot Rrapaj, Secretary General of the Prefect of Berat, Mr. Redin Kusta.
Ms. Luiza Hoxhaj, at the opening of the meeting talked about the objectives of the mission of finding the facts and highlighting the problems of regional development in Albania in general and the goals of the Berat meeting in particular. She also spoke about the objectives of the meeting, why this meeting was conceived with this composition, the role of the actors involved in this meeting in the development of the territory and the reasons why EAR-AER is present in Albania and presented the agenda of the meeting day.
In this meeting, the senior representatives of EAR-AER (Board of Directors of the Academy) held three presentations:
Mr.Neacsu presented the CRLDS Center as its official partner and Mrs. Luiza Hoxhaj as representative of EAR-EAR in Albania and several other countries of the region (Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.) Also Mr. Neascu introduced EAR-EAR, EAR- AER objectives, composition, mission and activity He highlighted the role that EAR-EAR could play as coach trainer in EU project funding as a partner for cross-border projects and trainer for drafting proposals in the framework of a call for proposals.
Mrs. Oncioiu has given concrete examples of public works in her city of Constanta, benefiting residents, local businesses, and attracting tourists. She also insisted that already important funds are available to Albania at the pre-accession stage and that good proposals must be tailored to thinking in order to be eligible for EU funds. She also insisted that at this stage of pre-access the local government's financial contribution to the entire proposal is quite limited.
Mayors and County Council Presidents in the meeting reacted with great enthusiasm to the proposal for co-operation and guaranteed that EAR-EAR and its CRLDS partner will be referred to training sessions on EU subsidies or as trainer to write proposals stable.
Mr. Delcart has finally completed explaining briefly the philosophy of regional approach by highlighting the success of elastic regions. Elasticity lies primarily in co-operation between the parties, the authorities for co-ordination and attracting financial resources, civil society for bottom-up suggestions filled up with the needs of local residents, the largest businesses in their quest for the assessment and fulfillment of good citizenship and universities and technical colleges in the role and research and their educational role for new opportunities.
After the meeting with local actors whose activity had an impact on regional and local economic development, representatives of EAR-AER and CRLDS moved to the gymnasium "Babë Duda Karbunara", where they were expected by the director of gymnasium Z., who made a summary of the excellent results of this national elite gymnasium. Was expressed the pleasure of having such a representation at this gymnasium and expressed the will to welcome events of this nature as well as exchanges of students, experiences and experiences with their European counterparts. Mr.Delcart was later invited to give a lecture to the last year students of Gymnasium Babe Dude Karbunara in central Berat about entrepreneurship.
He was accompanied in this event by Mrs. Luiza Hoxhaj.
Both teachers (both English and IT) and 42 students attended the lecture on "ENTERPRENEURSHIP, DRIVING FORCE IN A DEVELOPING ECONOMY".
tetor 2017
Thursday December 30th 2017
Programme of the day
15:00 - 19:00
Registrations | University Ismail Qemali of Vlora/Hotel Pavaresia, Vlore
11: 00- 12:00 |
Public Lecture on topic of Regional and local Sustainable Development, by Stanislav Shmelev, Director of "Environment Europe", Oxford, UK and lecturing at Edinburgh University. (Venue: Theater “Petro Marko” of Vlora)
12: 00-13: 00 |
Documentary film about global warming: "An uncomfortable truth, a global
threat"(Theater “Petro Marko” of Vlora-to be confirmed)
15:00 - 18:15 |
Visit to the cultural heritage areas of Vlora
20:00 - 23:30 |
Official Dinner |
Friday December 1 2017
Programme of the day
08:00 - 09:00 |
Registrations | University Ismail Qemali of Vlora
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening | Welcome
- Dritan Leli, Kryetar i Bashkisë së Vlorës
- Prof. Roland Zisi, Rector of "Ismail Qemali" University, Vlora>
Introduce of the forum
- Luiza Hoxhaj, CRLDS Albania
Opening | Forum Inauguration
- Mr. Artan Shkreli, Vice Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Albania
- Mr. Henri Malosse, former president of EESC –the European Economic and Social Committee - "Advantages of the Community-led Local Development approach" "Advantages of the Community-led Local Development approach".
- Dr. Elena Miteva, Senior Official in South Eist Europe Division of OECD: OECD and its role in SEE, as well as the methodology of the forthcoming OECD 2018 Competitiveness Outlook for the region and some of its preliminary findings
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
10:30 - 11:30
Session I | EU –Balkans. What future for Western Balkans? A vision from local and regional perspective.
Why are growth rates different? Path of innovation in Balkans regions
Territorial Cooperation and Cohesion policies: between results and perspectives
Prof. Arben Malaj, Rektor of “Luarasi” University, Tirana, Honorary Consul of Austria to the South of Albania.
Mrs Madi Sharma, EESC Member/ President of the EU- Fyrom consultative Committee of the EESC: “Engagement of women and youth as economic drivers for growth”,.
Dr Irena Đokić, Research Associate, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb. President of Croatian section of ERSA.
"Qark of Vlora - A Practical Model of Regional Cooperation through European Programs INTERREG", Ervis Mocka, Chairman of Council of Qark of Vlora.
and other representatives from WB countries.
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11:30 - 12:00
Coffee Break.
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12:00 - 12:30 Semi Magistral: 'Multidimensional Sustainability Assessment, by Stanislav Shmelev, Director of "Environment Europe", Oxford, UK and lecturing at Edinburgh University.
12:30-13:15 Session II | Development of smart grids for renewable energy with a regional approach: best practices and perspectives (Jan Harzmann/Stephan Ressl)
"Sector Developments, Needs, and Perspectives" (Agim Bregasi, Director of energy policies at the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure);
“Energy sector in regards of Energy efficiency and renewable resources in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Nihad Harbas, Energy & Climate Change Consultant, Bosnia and Herzegovina;
"Regulatory Framework Adaptations, Challenges and Prospects" (Prof.M. Shuli);
"Regional development of distributed resources and the progress of their implementation in Albania (Dr. Lorenc Gordani).
13:15 - 14:15 | Lunch Break
14:15 - 15:00 |
Session III | Digital Economy & Innovation
New app technologies for regional development (Nelu Neacsu)
15:00 - 16:00 |
“What chances are there for a city or a region within the national urbanistic plans issued by the Albanian government ? (topic description, potentiality, challenge, opportunities, citymarketing, regional development)”, (arch. Dean Fushekati)
"The role of media in promoting territorial values and regional development", Keti Gjipali.
Vuk Velebit, Journalist, European Western Balkans, Beograd.
16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee Break
16:30 - 17:45 |
Session V | Health, Environment, Use of Sources “tackling common problems and exploring potentials”
Towards a circular economy – recycling waste as new raw materials and the involvement of regions in the process (Louis Delcart)
"Urban Development and Circular Economy: The Prospects of the Adriatic-Ionian European Territorial Cooperation Program". Luigi A. Dell'Aquila, “Knowledge Management & Intellectual Capital”, Italy
"SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) of UNDP and their Implementation at the Local Level", Mirela Koci (AULEDA)
-"Regionale integration of patients with psychiatrics disorder and the infrastructuur that guarantys to handle the guidlines in emergency problems as myocardinfact- infarct in brain- - in which no time should be lost and the differences of healthservice in the towns and countryside".(Dr. Reinhard Eichweber)
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
17:45 - 18:00 | Conclusions | End of Conference Day-1
Saturday December 2 2017
Programme of the day(
Gjuha zyrtare e forumit është anglishtja. Përkthimi simultan në shqip)
08:00 - 08:45 Registrations | University Ismail Qemali of Vlora
09:15 - 09:15 | Welcome Notes
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09:15 - 10:30 |
- “The potential of co-creation for developing sustainable cities and regions - Creating engaged and collaborative cities and regions”, (Dr.Luiza Hoxhaj)
- "The regions in Macedonia: The determinants of the CSO participation at regional policy agenda", Marjan Nikolov , RSA Ambassador and Member of CEPS ENGAGE Fellowship, President of the Center for economic analyses think tank and a Docent at the International Slavic University in Macedonia.
- "The Role of Economic Diplomacy in the Function of Albania's Economic Development and Increasing Its Political Weights in the Western Balkan Region", Dr. Edlira Titini, Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres.
Twinning Cities as a Tool for Exchange of Good Practices, Violeta Berisha, Kosovo
10:30 - 10:45 | Coffee break
10:45- 12:00 |
Session VII | “DANUrB - building a regional network through cultural cooperation between Central Europe and the Wester Balkans”, Dàniel Balizs, Research Fellow, Budapest University of Technology and Economics/ Bela Gergely, Project Manager of Danurb, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Blue growth,: “Sustainable Integration of Mariculture and Craft Fishing near the Marine Protected Area Karaburun-Sazan”, (Prof. Asoc. Rigers Bakiu).
How to evaluate the impact of academic spin-offs on regional development? “Knowledge valorisation: From University to territory, the case of university spin off Sherpa S.r.l”, Prof.Patrizia Messina/Dr. Blerina Brami, University of Padua
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
12:00-13:30 |
Session VIII | Regional Research and Innovation Policies and the Challenges of
Western Balkan Countries.
- The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development
- Universities as agents of change in regions and cities
- How to evaluate the impact of academic spin-offs on regional development
- "The Opportunities of Application of Talent in Albania, Benefits from State
Administrations and Foreign Funds" by Dr. Evis Pano
- Prof.Patrizia Messina/Dr. Blerina Brami
13:30 - 14:30 | Lunch Reception
Forum Declaration & Conclusions | End of Conference
13:30 - 18:30 |
Social Programs | Cultural Heritage Journeys in the Regional Unit of Vlora
20:30 - 23:30 | Farewell traditional dinner | … village
Sunday December 3
Check out & Departures
20:00 - 23:00 | Volunteers Farewell Party
This program may be subject to changes in the section rankings.
ktheu tek aktiviteti.

FoRLED 2017
Second Western Balkans Forum on Regional and Local Economic Development
Vlore, Albania - November 30-December 2, 2017
"To go far, go together".
“What future for Western Balkans? A vision from local and regional perspective”
Decentralization and division of powers are essential elements for democracy. Sub-national governments (communes, counties, intermediary authorities and regions) forms backbones of the political and administrative structure of our states; here citizens and all actors present in the territory such as the academic world, research centers, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial organizations, development agencies and civil society can influence how their communities can governed and play an active role in the society..
The aim
The long-term development paths of cities and regions are shaped by a never –
ending process of restructuring, with some cities and regions achieving fast
growth over long period while others lock into a trajectory of relative and
sometimes absolute decline. Nonetheless, in some cases, some lagging regions
and cities find renewed growth and previously vibrant cities and regions may lose
momentum. It appears that from the economic restructuring benefit some cities
and regions and puts others at a disadvantage.
The Forum aim to foster the exchange of ideas, reflections and prospects encouraging academics to get more comprehensive information on "real world" issues and policy makers using what emerges from the academic debate. In other words, the basic idea is to promote dialogue with people from different points of view dealing with the same issues and seeking innovative, effective and efficient policy solutions.
The aim of the forum is to bring together scholars and the policy makers from Western Balkans in order to create for exchange of knowledge and discussions of the issues that surround regional and local economic development research and policy , to challenge the existing models and discourses of regional and local economic development, to address current policy challenges and to offer the solutions for better utilization of human mobility. Although the regional focus is on the Western Balkans, we encourage the submissions and participation by scholars and practitioners working in others regions as well, since their experience may be very beneficial for our region and our region will be more attractive.
In the morning of the day before the Forum Workshop will be held a public lecture on the sustainable development of cities and regions, accompanied by the emergence of a documentary on global warming.
In the afternoon, representatives from the Western Balkans and other countries will visit the cultural and historic heritage sites in the Municipality of Vlora.
The forum will start with the Plenary session, keynote speeches by distinguished scholars in regional development studies. The rest of the forum will be composed of series of thematic panels, with several research papers presentations, one presentation by invited practitioner (government institutions, NGO, international organizations, experts) followed by a discussion of the issues raised at a panel.
The official languages of the forum are English and Albanian.
The forum has a multidisciplinary approach and intends to bring together, every year, scholars from abroad range of disciplines including anthropology, demography, economics, law, psychology, sociology, geography, development studies, innovation, health sciences, political science, international relations and other related disciplines with a focus on regional economic development. Inter- disciplinary research and comparative perspectives are particularly encouraged.
Possible topics include:
New Local Development Tools: The Effect of Digital Infrastructure on
Creating Self-employment.
Co-Creating Sustainable Cities.
City & Regional Policies for the New Economy
Environmentality, Sustainability, & New Forms of Ecological Resilience.
Sustainable Local Development Policies (Smart City, Smart Community,Smart Land).
Better administrative capacity at regional and local level to improve economic governance.
Universities as agents of change in regions and cities
Communities as change agents: local development in the EU beyond 2020
The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development
The role of media in promoting of territorial values and regional development.
Participation in the Forum is open to public officials on different levels: local, regional, and national level, in Western Balkan Bodies and Institutions, in the EU, international organizations, diplomats, entrepreneurs and organizations of entrepreneurs, the public and private regional development agencies, academics, experts and civil society from different countries as well as other interested persons on the themes of Regional and Local Economic Development. The Second Forum on Regional and Local Economic Development is organized by the Center for European Policy Studies for Regional and Local Development in cooperation with the European Academy of Regions, the University Ismail Qemali of Vlora, the Regional Council of Vlora Region, Vlora Municipality, Regional Youth Center of Vlora and will be under the auspices, support and strategic cooperation of many international, European and Western Balkan Organizations as such as OECD, ALDA (to be confirmed), Ersa, Western Balkans Network etc. The 2017 edition is supported by the Government of Flandres and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania, under the auspices of the Minister Mr. Damian Gjiknuri..
Albania (hosting country)- Bosnia/Herzegovina – FYROM – Kosovo – Montenegro – Serbia.
Officials, Executives, cabinet Ministers, prominent business and financial leaders are invited to take part in a constructive dialogue aiming to improve the bilateral and multilateral relations, the cross-border economic cooperation and sustainable development between the Western Balkans and European Union and other part of the world, under regional and local perspective.
1) Listen to first class speakers on challenges and opportunities in the Western
Balkans and particularly in Albania.
2) Gain knowledge on how the region is planning to future proof its economy,
institutional strengthening and rule of law.
3) Sharpen the Saw and meet experts and influencers face to face.
4) Full access to the Forum, offered only to the delegates of the event.
5) For some activities, like Public lecture, the participation in Forum is free.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts, relating to the conference theme or the various topics. http://regionaleconomicdevelopmentforum.org/
Key dates
Submission process The calls for papers are now open. Submission of papers are welcome from scholars, experts, policy makers and PhD students carrying out research in the field of regional and local economic development.
Please submit an abstract in of 300-350 word in MS Word format to sekretariaFoRLEd@crlds.org , no later than 10 November for the new researchers and 15/11/2017 for others.
The selection committee will review
There is no fee for participation in the Forum. Full access to the Forum's work is
only available to pre-registered delegates, by sending an email to:
secretariatFoRLEd@crlds.org or by completing the on-line forum form for
participation in the forum.
Who will not have papers to introduce is free to attend the forum and ask
questions about programmed speakers. Always the registration on the forum
page by completing the form or sending the email to: secretaryFoRLED@crlds.org
is mandatory.
Draft Axhenda
tetor 2017
Wednesday November 29th 2017
Arrivals - Check-in – Regjistrimet
19:30 - 21:00 Welcome Reception |
Thursday December 30th 2017
Programme of the day
15:00 - 19:00
Registrations | University Ismail Qemali of Vlora/Hotel Pavaresia, Vlore
11: 00- 12:00 |
Public Lecture on topic of Regional and local Sustainable Development, by Prof.Niko Pano. (Theater “Petro Marko” of Vlora-to be confirmed)
In this part of Forum official language is Albanian. Simultaneous translation in English
12: 00-13: 00 |
Documentary film about global warming: "An uncomfortable truth, a global
threat"(Theater “Petro Marko” of Vlora-to be confirmed)
15:00 - 18:15 |
Visit to the cultural heritage areas of Vlora
20:00 - 23:30 |
Official Dinner |
Friday December 1 2017
Programme of the day
08:00 - 09:00 |
Registrations | University Ismail Qemali of Vlora
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening | Welcome
- Dritan Leli, Kryetar i Bashkisë së Vlorës
- Prof. Roland Zisi, Rector of "Ismail Qemali" University, Vlora>
Introduce of the forum
- Luiza Hoxhaj, CRLDS Albania
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
09:15 - 09:30
Opening | Forum Inauguration
- Mr. Damian Gjiknuri, Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Albania
- Mr. Henri Malosse, former president of EESC –the European Economic and
Social Committee - "Advantages of the Community-led Local Development
approach" "Advantages of the Community-led Local Development
- Petrit Selimi, National Coordinator for the Millennium Challenge Kosovo,
Government of Kosovo, former Foreign Minister.
- Aleksandar Andrija Pejovic, Minister of European Affairs of Montenegro -
Chief Negotiator for EU Accession Talks - National Coordinator for EU
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
09:30 - 10:30
Session I | EU –Balkans. What future for Western Balkans? A vision from local and
regional perspective.
- Why are growth rates different? Path of innovation in Balkans regions
- Territorial Cooperation and Cohesion policies: between results and perspectives
Dr. Franz Schausberger, Chair of Working Group on the Western Balkans, CoR.
Dr. Elena Miteva, Senior Advisor to the OECD South East Europe Division.
Prof. Arben Malaj, Rektor of “Luarasi” University, Tirana, Honorary Consul of
Austria to the South of Albania.
"Mrs Madi Sharma, EESC Member/ President of the EU- Fyrom consultative
Committee of the EESC: “Engagement of women and youth as economic drivers
for growth”,.
Dr Irena Đokić, Research Associate, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb. President
of Croatian section of ERSA.
Jasha Menzelxhiu and other representatives from WB countries
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
10:30 - 11:00 |Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:15 | Session II | Development of smart grids for renewable energy with a regional
approach: best practices and perspectives (Jan Harzmann/Stephan Ressl).
Prof. Gjergj Simaku;
Nihad Harbas, Energy & Climate Change Consultant, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Lorenc Gordani;
Prof. Maks Shuli,
Case to be presented: TAP Project (to be confirmed)
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
12:15 - 13:15 | Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:45 |
Session III |
Digital Economy & Innovation
New app technologies for regional development (Nelu Neacsu)
New Local Development Tools: The Effect of Digital Infrastructure on Creating
Self-employment. Analysis of a Case Applied in Albania and Western Balkans
Anila Busho, CEO at Eipass Albania: "Today Is Needed to Close the ICT Toll, Case of
Eipass Albania".
14:45 - 16:00 |
Session IV | Reshaping city centers (Urban Renaissance) – aspects of mobility,
local commerce invigoration, touristic attraction, viability. Dr.Eglantina Gjermeni;(prof. Ionica Oncioiu)
What chances are there for a city or a region within the national urbanistic plans
issued by the Romanian government ? (topic description, potentiality, challenge,
opportunities, citymarketing, regional development) (arch. Dean Fushekati)
The potential of co-creation for developing sustainable cities - Creating engaged
and collaborative cities (Dr.Luiza Hoxhaj)
16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee Break
16:30 - 17:45 |
Session V | Agriculture, Health, Environment, Use of Sources “tackling common
problems and exploring potentials”
“Integrated development operations as a lever for regional development in rural
Towards a circular economy – recycling waste as new raw materials and the
involvement of regions in the process (Louis Delcart)
Involvement of regions in health care decision making – the case of mechanical
circulatory support for heart failure therapy (Richard Murrugarra-Centurion)
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
17:45 - 18:00 | Conclusions | End of Conference Day-1
Saturday December 2 2017
Programme of the day(
Gjuha zyrtare e forumit është anglishtja. Përkthimi simultan në shqip)
08:00 - 08:45 Registrations | University Ismail Qemali of Vlora
09:15 - 09:15 | Welcome Notes
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09:15 - 10:30 |
Session VI | Blue growth, Maritime, Infrastructures, Transportation & Hubs
“Regional cooperation, works in progress!”
-The maritime transport integration in the global logistics chain as an overall
benefit for the local and regional community.
- Sustainable Integration of Mariculture and Craft Fishing near the Marine
Protected Area Karaburun-Sazan (Prof. Asoc. Rigers Bakiu).
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
10:30 - 10:45 | Coffee break
10:45- 12:00 |
Session VII | Cultural & Sustainable Tourism “Cultural Tourism, a key to
Sustainable Development”
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
12:00-13:30 |
Session VIII | Regional Research and Innovation Policies and the Challenges of
Western Balkan Countries.
- The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development
- Universities as agents of change in regions and cities
- How to evaluate the impact of academic spin-offs on regional development
- "The Opportunities of Application of Talent in Albania, Benefits from State
Administrations and Foreign Funds" by Dr. Evis Pano
- Prof.Patrizia Messina/Dr. Blerina Brami
13:30 - 14:30 | Lunch Reception
Forum Declaration & Conclusions | End of Conference
13:30 - 18:30 |
Social Programs | Cultural Heritage Journeys in the Regional Unit of Vlora
20:30 - 23:30 | Farewell traditional dinner | … village
Sunday December 3
Check out & Departures
20:00 - 23:00 | Volunteers Farewell Party
This program may be subject to changes in the section rankings.
ktheu tek aktiviteti.

FoRLED 2018
The 3rd Forum on Regional and Local Economic Development-FoRLED
Vlore, Albania - November 19-21 November 2018
"To go far, go together".
“What future for Western Balkans? A vision from local and regional perspective”
“The future of the EU integration of Western Balkans countries and the role of the regions and cities.”
The 3rd Forum on Regional and Local Economic Development in Western Balkans is organized by the Center for European Policy Studies for Regional and Local Development in cooperation with the European Academy of Regions, the University Ismail Qemali of Vlora, the Regional Council of Vlora Region, Vlora Municipality, Regional Youth Center of Vlora, Albanian Associazion of Regions, Chember of Commerce and Industry of Albania and will be under the auspices, support and strategic cooperation of many international, European and Western Balkan Organizations.
The forum has a multidisciplinary approach and intends to bring together, every year, scholars from abroad range of disciplines including anthropology, demography, economics, law, psychology, sociology, geography, development studies, innovation, health sciences, political science, international relations and other related disciplines with a focus on regional economic development. Inter-disciplinary research and comparative perspectives are particularly encouraged.
The forum will start with the Plenary session, keynote speeches by distinguished scholars in regional development studies. The rest of the forum will be composed of series of thematic panels, with several research papers presentations, one presentation by invited practitioner (government institutions, NGO, international organizations, experts) followed by a discussion of the issues raised at a panel.
The aim
The Forum aim to foster the exchange of ideas, reflections and prospects encouraging academics to get more comprehensive information on "real world" issues and policy makers using what emerges from the academic debate. In other words, the basic idea is to promote dialogue with people from different points of view dealing with the same issues and seeking innovative, effective and efficient policy solutions.
The aim of the forum is to bring together scholars and the policy makers from Western Balkans in order to create for exchange of knowledge and discussions of the issues that surround regional and local economic development research and policy , to challenge the existing models and discourses of regional and local economic development, to address current policy challenges and to offer the solutions for better utilization of human mobility. Although the regional focus is on the Western Balkans, we encourage the submissions and participation by scholars and practitioners working in others regions as well, since their experience may be very beneficial for our region and our region will be more attractive.
Participation in the Forum is open to public officials on different levels: local, regional, and national level, in Western Balkan Bodies and Institutions, in the EU, international organizations, diplomats, entrepreneurs and organizations of entrepreneurs, the public and private regional development agencies, academics, experts and civil society from different countries as well as other interested persons on the themes of Regional and Local Economic Development.
Albania (hosting country)- Bosnia/Herzegovina – FYROM – Kosovo – Montenegro – Serbia.
Draft Axhenda
tetor 2017
Wednesday November 29th 2017
Arrivals - Check-in – Regjistrimet
19:30 - 21:00 Welcome Reception |
Monday November 19th 2018
Programme of the day
15:00 - 19:00
Registrations | University Ismail Qemali of Vlora/Hotel Pavaresia, Vlore
Meetings in Vlora
Tuesday November 20 2018
Programme of the day
Research & Innovation (time to be confirmed)
Activity with National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation, University of Vlora and CRLDS Albania
Forum official language is English. Simultaneous translation in Albanian
09:00 - 10:00
Registrations | University Ismail Qemali of Vlora
10:00 - 10:45
Opening | Welcome
- Dritan Leli, Mayor of Vlora
Introduce of the forum
- Luiza Hoxhaj, CRLDS Albania
- Mr. Henri Malosse, former president of EESC –the European Economic and Social Committee - " Territorial European cooperation's perspectives under the new multiannual Financial perspectives 2021-2027 "
- Nelu Neacsu, President of European Academy of Regions
- Mr. Damian Gjiknuri, Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Albania (to be confirmed)
10:45 - 11:15 Prof. Patrizia Messina, University of Padua: Inaugural Lecture: "Multilivel governance and decentralization". View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
11:15 - 11:30
Coffee break
11:30- 12:30
Forum Inauguration
“The future of the EU integration of Western Balkans countries and the role of the regions and cities.”
Presentation and moderaton: Ervis Mocka, Chairman of Council of Qark of Vlora.
- Aldrin Dalipi, Zv.President i Eurorajonit Adriatiko Jonian
- Gelardina Prodani, General Secretary of Ministry of Finance and Economy (to be confirmed)
- Balkan Civil Society Development Network, “Civil society in regional development and integration processes”
- Njomza Emini, Osce Kosove Mr. Bekim Murati: General Director of the Agency for Support of Local Self-Government.
- Tanja Dimitrevic, Serbia " Well-being of the citizens of the Western Balkans towards the EU integration: challenges and perspectives".
- Representatives of the diplomatic corps
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
Session I: Multilevel Governance -Local governments are key to tackle global challenges. Let's make multilevel governance a reality.
Agency for Support of Local Self-Government.
University of Vlora
Albanian Association of Regions
13:30 -13:45
Close of the first day work
13:45- 14:45
15:0- 18:00
Social activities: Visiting of the Zvernec Monastery
19:00-21:00 Diner
Wednesday November 21 2018
Programme of the day
08:00 - 09:00
Registrations | University Ismail Qemali of Vlora
09:00 - 09:15
Opening Note
9:15- 10:00
Session III: New directions in regional innovation policy: a network model for generating entrepreneurship and economic development
This session and accompanying themed issue reflect on the centrality of cities to regional development. Focusing on the role and function of the cities and regions in processes of innovation, production, distribution and consumption as both individual sites and networks of sites of production, the papers examine classic questions in economic geography about concentration, diffusion, and flows of labour and capital and the policy regimes that govern that movement.
Keynote speaker: Manfred Ziewers, Germany
Alicia Garcia- European Network of Innovation for Inclusion
Anila Busho, CEO at Eipass Albania: "Today Is Needed to Close the ICT Toll, Case of Eipass Albania".
“How technology is changing microfinance”, Linda Shomo, CEO of EasyPay .
"Entrepreneurial activity and its impact on regional development", Albana Laknori, Secretary of Chamber of Comerce and Industry of Tirana.
"Entrepreneurship as an essential player in the development of the territory",
Arben Breshani, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vlora.
"The role of the media in promoting territorial values and regional development", Keti Gjipali.
University of Arad, Romenia
Case study: Bashkia e Ures Vajgurore
Gerta Mehmeti, CELIM Albania: "AICS funded projects and impact on regional development"
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
Session III: “Smart Specialization and Learning Regions as a Competitive Strategy for Less Developed Regions.”
"Sustainable housing - traditional natural building materials for a responsible living - Case study "Bio based student pavilion", Dr Sanela Karlic, Association Green Council, Bosgne and Herzegovine
Reinhard Eichweber, Member of the Board of European Academy of Regions:
“The meaning of the guidelines and protocoles in the healthservice - the influences of political decisions as national healthservice and / or free market -to the guidelines and prices of the healthservice in an changing political vision”.
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
Coffee break
Session IV: Linking Urban and rural development
Speakers from Albanian Agency of Territorial Planification
Enea Hoti, Adviser of Minister of Agriculture
Italian Institut in Arad, Romenia
University of Agriculture of Tirana
Municipality of Fier
View more information on the session topic, speakers and moderator
Session V: Integrated Territorial Development
Representatives of ESPON: "Europeanization of territorial governance and spatial planning. A tool for analysis. "
MSc MBA Darijo Lazić dipl , GREENLINE Western Balkan Cluster Foundation: "Green Economy in the Western Balkans, Challenges and Perspectives"
Maurizio Mana-Legaambiente Puglia: Presentation of the project: Go Green Puglia
Eksperienca e Qarkut Korce
Faton Bislimi, Head of Cabinet and Coordinator for Regional Cooperation, Office of the Mayor, Municipality of Gjilan, Kosovo
12:15- 13:00
Session VI: “The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development”
European regions are increasingly looking to research and development as a source of competiveness in the transition to a knowledge-based economy. This puts universities in a key role as promoters of innovation and regional development in most regions – as producers of new knowledge, of a highly skilled workforce, and as transmitters of knowledge to firms, policy-makers and the general public. In assuming this role, universities are taking on a mission to contribute to innovation and knowledge-based economic development in the regions where they are located.
This special session explores the various ways in which universities may strengthen the capabilities for innovation in firms and regions through providing new knowledge, building interregional networks and taking on broader developmental roles.
“Universities as agents of change in regions and cities: University 4:0 for Epoca 4:” (Albulena Halili, Universiteti i Evropës Juglindore, Tetove)
Prof. Albert Qarri, Dean o Economic Faculty of University Ismail Qemali of Vlora
Evi Cipi, Director of the Regional Development Center, near Univlora. "The role of UV in professional development and professional growth throughout human resource life for sustainable regional development".
Bringing Entrepreneurship Closer to Students and Universities
Corporate Social Responsibility as an enabler of sustainable development, Blerina Brami- University of Padua
Model of Statkraft Company
14:00- 17: 30
Conference: Fostering of regional and local economic development in Albania and Western Balkans countries via tourism & cultural heritage.
14:00- 14:30
14:30- 14:45
Opening Note
14:45- 16:00
“Sustainable tourism development through strategic planning and evaluation of cultural/heritage patrimonies of Albanian cities. Some recommendations for the local governance plan of actions and policy”, Fioralba Velaj, Prof. Asoc, Dr. of Economic Sciences in the field of public management and administration, Deputy Dean of Economic Faculty, University Ismail Qemali of Vlora.
Mirian Bllaci, Cultural Heritage Without Borders, (To be confirmed)
Elena Ivanova, Turisem and Hospitality Sector, Manager at Swisscontact worldwide
ILDA MARA , Director of the magazine at Art & Trashegimi (Art & Heritage)
Coffee break
Isopolifonia as Cultural Haritage Patrimonio, Vaso Tole, Albanian Academy of Sciences
Maja Pak, Director, SLOVENIAN TOURIST BOARD, Slovenia (to be confirmed)
Albanian Turisem
Representatives of Regional Directories of
Luiza Hoxhaj, Executive Director, CRLDS Albania: Cultural heritage and place brand strategy.
Close of the conference
20: 00
Gala Dinner
Special activities
Workshop: Fostering of regional and local economic development via tourism & cultural heritage.
Place: Prefecture hall, Berat
Time: 10:00-13:00, 25/10/2018
1. Louis Delcart, board member European Academy of the Regions: “Upgrading Touristic Initiatives in Order to Enhance Regional Development” .
2. Luiza Hoxhaj, Executive Director, CRLDS Albania: Cultural heritage and place brand strategy.
Open Lecture:
Place: University Ismail Qemali of Vlora, Vlore
Time: 11:00-13:00, 26/10/2018
“Access to Finance: Stimulating Local and Regional Development”, by Louis Delcart, board member European Academy of the Regions.
Reflections by Luiza Hoxhaj.
The order of this agende is subject of change
ktheu tek aktiviteti.

The Western Balkans Regional and Local Economic Development Forum - FoRLED is part of an open working process, launched in 2016, following a fact-finding mission and a series of meetings, Open Lectures and City Conferences with European Academy of Regions in the cities of Tirana, Elbasan, Berat and Vlora, hosted by CRLDS.
FoRLED promotes an international dialogue and shares experiences on Regional and Local Economic Development. It provides the opportunity to transform a regional alliance of actors engaged in the Western Balkans in concrete partnerships at the WB+, national, regional and local level.
The forum is a continuous process, which culminates annually with an event at the Western Balkans level. National and regional forums, local events and training activities are an integral part of this process.
The forum is a platform for dialogue on key issues in this area. It will analyze how our approach to regional and local development stands as an operational and strategic approach to harmonizing development policies at the Western Balkans with European ones and to prepare our countries for full EU accession and integration. Its potential stems from the involvement of a large number of senior executives at different levels of government (community, national, regional and local level) as well as researchers, experts, the private sector, the academic world, civil society and others. They will work together to stimulate policies for sustainable regional and local economic development to reach their final implementation on the ground.
The forum has a multidisciplinary approach and intends to bring together, every year, scholars from abroad range of disciplines including anthropology, demography, economics, law, psychology, sociology, geography, development studies, innovation, health sciences, political science, international relations and other related disciplines with a focus on regional economic development. Inter- disciplinary research and comparative perspectives are particularly encouraged.
During the previous editions of FoRLED, we had the participation of lecturers, panelists and speakers from the European Academy of the Regions, from the Committee of Economy and Social Affairs, from the Committee of the Regions, from OECD, CPMR, Environment Europe, Economic Institute of Zagreb, University of Padua, Tito Majonescu University of Bucharest, Wordl Wide University of Economics of Sofia, Free University of Brussels, University of Oxford, University of Tetova, Faculty of Economics of the University of Skopje, From Legaambiente Puglia, CNVP, University Ismail Qemali of Vlora, Agriculture University of Tirana, etc. Association from the 6 countries of the Western Balkans, representatives of local authorities, governments representatives as well as from the private sector and the media, etc.
Albania (hosting country)- Bosnia/Herzegovina – FYROM – Kosovo – Montenegro – Serbia.
The official languages of the forum are English with translation in Albanian.
The 1st Forum for Regional and Local Economic Development - FoRLED 2016 held in the Hall of Vlora City, on 14 October 2016. The first edition: FoRLED 2016, was supported by the Municipality of Vlora, CRLDS and the Government of Flanders.
For more see activities in the rubric: FoRLED 2016.
The 2nd Western Balkans Regional and Local Economic Development Forum - FoRLED 2017 held in premises of Universty Ismail Qemali of Vlora, Vlora, Albania, from 30 November to 2 December 2017. The 2nd edition of FoRLED 2017 was supported by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure in Albania and the Flemish Government as well as a number of local and international partners.
For more see activities in the rubric: FoRLED 2017.
The 3rd Western Balkans Regional and Local Economic Development Forum - FoRLED 2018, was a three-day event on regional and local economic development policies in the Western Balkans, held on 19-21 November 2018 in the Hotel Vlora International in the City of Vlora. organized by CRLDS Albania, in partnership with the European Academy of Regions, the Ismail Qemali University of Vlora, the Regional Council of Vlora, including relevant regional and international stakeholders.
For more see activities in the rubric: FoRLED 2018.
The fourth edition of FoRLED, scheduled to be held on December 2-6, 2019, was postponed to December 2021 due to the earthquake of November 26, 2019, as well as due to compliance with the rules of the covid-19 pandemic during 2020. The 4th edition of the Regional and Local Economic Development Forum -FoRLED 2021 held on 8-10 December 2021 in the Culture Center of the City of Vlora, organized by CRLDS Albania, in partnership with the Albanian Association of Regions, the Ismail Qemali University of Vlora, the Regional Council of Vlora, Municipality of Vlora, including relevant regional and international stakeholders.
For more see activities in the rubric: FoRLED 2021.
5th Western Balkans+ Regional and Local Economic Development Forum 2023 -FoRLED 2023!
International Event
Vlora, Albania
12-15 December 2023
CRLDS and our partners have the extraordinary pleasure to invite you to the 5th Western Balkans+ Regional and Local Economic Development Forum 2023 -FoRLED 2023! The 5th edition of the Regional and Local Economic Development on Western Balkans+ Forum -FoRLED 2023 will be held on 12-15 December 2023 in the city of Vlora. The 5th Western Balkans+ Regional and Local Economic Development Forum - FoRLED 2023, will be again a three-days event on regional and local economic development policy in the Western Balkans organized by CRLDS Albania, in partnership with the European Academy of Regions, The University Ismail Qemali of Vlora, Municipality of Vlora the Regional Council of Vlora as well the Project EU4Green including relevant regional and international stakeholders, resulting in regional and local policy recommendations.
The main topic of the FoRLED 2023 will be:
“Growing Challenges for Sustainable Development of Regions and Cities in Western Balkans +”
Important part of FoRLED 2023 will be The Conference:
“Green and digital transition in the Western Balkans countries. The role of Regions and Cities. Western Balkans Green Agenda”
Participation in the Forum is open to public officials on different levels: local, regional, and national level, in Western Balkan Bodies and Institutions, in the EU, international organizations, diplomats, entrepreneurs and organizations of entrepreneurs, the public and private regional development agencies, academics, experts and civil society from different countries as well as other interested persons on the themes of Regional and Local Economic Development.
Officials, Executives, Academics, prominent business and financial leaders and Representatives of NGOs are invited to take part in a constructive discussion aiming to improve the bilateral and multilateral relations, the cross-border economic cooperation and sustainable development between the Western Balkans and European Union and other part of the world, under regional and local perspective. 1) Listen to first class speakers on challenges and opportunities in the Western Balkans and particularly in Albania. 2) Gain knowledge on how the region is planning to future proof its economy, institutional strengthening and rule of law. 3) Sharpen the Saw and meet experts and influencers face to face.
For more see activities in the rubric: FoRLED 2021.
Coming soon
Participation is free of charge. Registration is mandatory.
If you are having difficulties in registration, please write to us at: sekretariaFoRLED@crlds.org