The center will organize Workshop on the topic: Promoting effective VET/AE/LL

The center will organize Workshop on the topic: Promoting effective VET/AE/LLL approaches aiming at employability in strategic investment projects

Reflections on role of a REDA and their input to employment generation,  will take place on 12-13 March in Hotel "Mondial".

Investors select the location of their business following their individual enterprise development agenda. The availability of suitable workforce sufficient in both number and quality in due time plays a significant role in the decision making process.

On the other side, administrators of public services and other actors involved in economic development need to understand investors’ entrepreneurship in order to be able to support the identification of appropriate strategies to match the emerging demand for specific workforce in their region.

The 2-day workshop intends therefore to strengthen analytical competencies of participants and to train their skills to advocate effective VET-Adult Education-Lifelong Learning approaches to foster employability and employment in the context of a broader human resources development strategy, given the circumstances in a specific country.