Call for Paper for Young Researchers

Junior Session of the Forum on Regional and Local Economic Development, II Edition: 24-27 October 2017
"Territorial Strategies for New Production and Development Models".
Organized by: Qendra për Studime të Politikave Evropiane për Zhvillimin Rajonal dhe Lokal - CRLDS Albania- in collaboration with European Academy of Regions
We invite you to submit a paper to present to Junior Session of 2017 Annual Forum on Regional and Local Economic Development.
The goal of the Junior Session is to accompany the forum sessions, a session devoted to original working papers conducted by young researchers on the theme proposed as the central for each single edition of workshops. Young researchers with original research on "productive" revival strategies in regional territorial systems are invited to submit proposals to the Scientific Committee of the Forum 2017, writing to Florida Grosler ( or with subject: junior session FoRLED 2017).
The proposal, up to 6,000 words, must be submitted by September 25, 2017. Five proposals will be selected by 2 October to be presented and discussed at a special session on the closing day of the FoRLED 2017 on October 27 morning.
By October 16, the authors of the selected proposals will have to produce a paper or a presentation that develops the themes of the proposal.
Particular attention will be given to topics, but not limited to them:
- Crisis and transformation of productive system
- New work on knowledge, industrial relations and small business
- Territorial cohesion / new industry, metropolitan centrality, rural development
- "Productive" revival policies and their evaluation
- Smart City/Regions; Smart Community, Smart specialisation
- Co-Creating Sustainable Cities
The levels of analysis can cover various territorial scales: local, regional and national, Western Balkanic , Balcanic, European and international, and the combination of prospects for innovation, internationalization, cohesion and social inequality.
Coverage of expenses for participation in Forum meetings
Selected scholars will receive a scholarship to cover the costs of participating in the Forum and accommodation.
The meetings aim to promote exchange of ideas, reflections and perspectives, and encourage academics to get more information on "real world" issues and policy makers, using what comes out of academic debate. In other words, the basic idea is to foster dialogue with people from different points of view dealing with the same issues and seeking innovative, effective and efficient policy solutions.
Those who wish to organize and chair a session should submit a proposal also by
We look forward to many productive and interesting discussions in October 2017.
Please share with others who might be interested.